We have a LOT coming our way in the month of October. We are about to experience more wrestling per week NOW more than any other period in time, with a total of FIFTEEN hours per week spread across NINE programs, FIVE nights per week - keep your evenings open, people, there's a LOT to get to.
In fact, here's your schedule for major television wrestling programs, by the end of the month:
Monday, 8-11pm - WWE Raw
Tuesday, 8-10pm - IMPACT Wrestling
Wednesday, 8-10pm - NXT vs. AEW
Friday, 8-10pm - WWE SmackDown
Saturday, 7-10pm - MLW Fusion, WOW Women of Wrestling, New Japan on AXS
weekends, syndication - Ring of Honor
And that's not even counting any PPV events happening on a given weekend, or any of the indie promotions with programs, or even the upcoming NWA program that's happening - again, there's a LOT to get to. But I'm gonna try my best to cover as much of this pseudo-boom period as I possibly can, because I'm just that dedicated/insane.
So, here's the plan I have for this page:
Tuesday evenings will see my Raw report, succinct but also detailed, Thursdays will see a double-header for both NXT and AEW, Saturdays will have SmackDown written up, PPV reviews will happen the following day of their event, and as for the rest? Well, since it's not as high a priority for me, any coverage I do for Impact or ROH or any other company will be on a selective basis - I'm only one person doing this, after all.
Follow along, if you'd like, and get ready for a lot of... well, again, a LOT.
Sunday, 29 September 2019
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Bonnie Hammer's Last Blue Hurrah - WWE SmackDown (9/24/19)

WWE SmackDown
Chase Center - San Francisco, CA
Live on USA Network - September 24, 2019
Rating: 0.67 (18-49), 2.099M viewers
Erick Rowan opens the show, and it's running at the improper frame rate which makes it VERY distracting to me. This week's shirt of choice is Killswitch Engage... ehh. His promo is a standard heel promo, "I deserve respect," "things have changed," I'm really having a problem paying attention because of the frame rate issue. Out comes Daniel Bryan to interrupt and say a few words: "If you want respect, fight me RIGHT NOW!" And with a referee in the ring, here we go!
Erick Rowan vs. Daniel Bryan - fierce offense from Rowan off the gate, a hard elbow and a splash before throwing Bryan out and hitting a cross-body to the floor. Please fix the frame rate, this is really bothering me. Bryan is definitely playing the babyface in this match, Rowan hits a fierce spinning kick, only gets a 2 count before heading to break.
Back from break, the frame rate is still off - is this a shutter speed test for Fox? - and Rowan is still dominating the match. Bryan gets back in the ring before the 10 count and tries to get his momentum back, targeting Rowan's leg with chop blocks and ramming it into the ring post before landing a running dropkick on that leg on the apron. A running knee to Rowan, then a running dropkick, only leads to Rowan hitting a power slam, just for a 2. Next sequence ends with a powerbomb on Bryan, another 2 count, going to the second (and split-screen) break.
Back from break, Bryan is looking for a tope, but gets caught by Rowan, and powers out to slam Rowan back into the ring post. On the top rope, Bryan launches a missile drop kick to Rowan's back and connects, followed by a set of YES! Kicks, with Rowan powering out of a pin attempt. Guillotine is locked onto Rowan, followed by the LeBell Lock, when a WILD LUKE HARPER APPEARS. His shirt of choice is Hatebreed, not bad. Rowan plants Bryan with a clawed choke slam, the Iron Claw, but gets his foot caught in the rope, and with another Iron Claw, gets the win. The beatdown angle comes next with Rowan and Harper clearing the announce table, but wait - A WILD BIG DOG APPEARS! BIG DOG to Harper, BIG DOG to Harper on the apron, but both Rowan and Harper regain the offensive on both men. Bryan comes back up and hits a running knee on Harper, but Rowan comes back in for another Iron Claw, until BIG DOG hits the BIG DOG on Rowan to clear house.
Bryan grabs the mic and asks if the crowd wants him and Roman to "kick their disrespecting asses?!?" Looks like we're gonna have a tag team match in Sacramento, holla holla holla. Not a bad match, they had plenty of time for this, it had heat and had a hot angle to build around it, so now we wait to see what happens next.
Members of the San Francisco 49ers are in attendance tonight, along with MY BOY JIMMY G! The Niners are 3-0 (right now) so I'm taking whatever I can get. Anyway, time for a hype package, one for Brock Lesnar as we near the title match between him and Kofi next week. This leads to another Michael Cole interview, with Kofi Kingston, all about his match with Lesnar for the first SmackDown on FOX, and it feels pretty off the cuff - wouldn't surprise me if this was one of those "bulletpoint" promos we've heard rumors about.
Chad Gable comes out for his scheduled match, when out comes... Mike Bennett? Guess we're doing more short jokes with this guy, ugh.
Chad Gable vs. Mike Kanellis - Immediate overhead throw to start the match, followed by another, then an ankle lock for the super-fast win for Gable. No time to celebrate, with Elias on the big screen for his next "song"... which is just more short jokes. What a fantastic use of our time.
Backstage, Charlotte finds R-Truth and asks where the new 24/7 Champion, Carmella, is. Not to try and win the title, but to tell her to keep focus for their tag match against Sasha and Bayley tonight. But I have to ask: if you're the champion and you get pinned in a tag match, does you lose the title?
Tom Phillips gives thanks to everyone at USA for being a great home for SmackDown, what with the show moving to FOX next week.
Charlotte Flair & Carmella vs. Bayley & Sasha Banks - I mean, this was an alright tag match but it didn't give me much to write about. It was all a setup for the cavalcade of geeks going after Carmella after the match ended (Sasha and Bayley won, by the way), and a setup for a surprise run-in: BECKY LYNCH! Pretty hype, as always. That being said, Asuka has NO business going after the geek belt. At least she has YouTube to serve as a backup for all of us - go check out KanaChan TV, it's fun.
Mustafa Ali vs. Shinsuke Nakamura - okay, let's try this again? Yep, it's an official match, with Ali getting a lot of offense in at the start, before being thrown into the ring post to head to the split-screen break. After a sliding snap suplex to Ali, Nakamura goes for the finish, but runs into a fierce superkick from Ali, just for a 2 count. Nakamura regains his offense with a set of kicks, only for Ali to power back and land a Bret's rope tilt-a-whirl DDT, but gets his top rope move denied by Zayn. Cue the leaping moonsault over the top rope, but from the distraction, gets caught with the Kinshasa and eats the pin. Dang.
Backstage, Shane McMahon is standing by with... LAWYERS! Because this feud must keep going. I love wrestling, it's FUN.
The tag team match is confirmed for Hell in a Cell, Bryan and Roman vs. Harper and Rowan. Cool.
Big E & Xavier Woods vs. The Frigging B Team - This match had Axel doing the stupid-ass floss dance. Groan.
Backstage, Mandy Rose is handing out copies of Maxim backstage, when who would show up but Otis of Heavy Machinery. So that happened.
Kairi Sane & Asuka vs. Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville - THEY EXIST IT'S A MIRACLE. Amazingly, this is only their THIRD match on SmackDown in FOUR MONTHS. And for some reason, we needed a "look at my Maxim cover" spot in this match. So yeah, the match went about just how you thought it would: snarmy heel spots, broken pin, finishers, babyface team wins.
Announced for next week's SmackDown, Becky and Charlotte versus Sasha and Bayley - yes, the same match we saw at MSG two weeks ago.
Shane and his lawyers are in the ring and... ugh, let's just hit the bullet points. KO enters through the crowd, Shane offers two options: spend years in court, or drop the lawsuit and Shane'll drop the fine, KO runs Shane down and calls him an idiot and offers a match: Shane wins, then KO drops the suit and leaves, but if KO wins, then Shane is gone, and the match is? A ladder match. Shane says "you're on!", but you can barely hear him, and then it's TO THE BACK!
Becky is backstage for an interview when Sasha comes out for a fight; the brawl is on, and we close the era of SmackDown on cable with quite a fight that... kinda just ended after a minute. See you on FOX, everybody.
Verdict: Well... that certainly was another SmackDown. Didn't feel all too special, just felt like another episode of SmackDown. Probably not the best feeling to have, going into your big and grand FOX premiere, but whatever.
Thursday, 19 September 2019
The King of USA Network - WWE TV (9-16-9/18)
Thompson-Boiling Arena - Knoxville, TN
Live on USA Network - September 16, 2019
Rating: 0.72 (18-49), 2.272M viewers
Seth Rollins opened the show with a promo, talking about his matches at the PPV on Sunday, putting over Braun Strowman as a tough challenger (but not winning because that would be too easy), and how he still walked out with the Universal Championship, even after The Fiend came out to lay him out on the stage. Then we got a pop-in segment of Firefly Fun House with everyone's favorite buddy Bray Wyatt talking about how friends forgive, "but 'he' never forgets," and that there may be more to come later tonight from The Fiend. Not a bad way to start the show, with the build to Hell in a Cell kicking off immediately.
Next came out the new Raw and SmackDown Tag Team Champions, Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode and The Revival, for a "tag team summit," which was just a few moments to brag and get heat before Braun Strowman came out to lay waste to them. So... what got accomplished here?
AJ Styles & Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson vs. Cedric Alexander & The War Viking Raider Experience - Cedric got pinned. AGAIN. And got beat down to make sure Styles keeps his heat. AGAIN. And depending on who you ask, Cedric is in the midst of being BURIED by Vince. That is all.
Time for some more 24/7 shenanigans with R-Truth and Carmella, as they're taking a tour of the sights and sounds of Knoxville with none other than... Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs. Who is totally not ANYONE ELSE, wink wink.
King of the Ring Final: Baron Corbin vs. Chad Gable - Of course Big Breakfast Baron would win. Did you expect ANY other outcome? That being said, it was a very good match that had a lot of time to it, around 18 or 19 minutes, and both men came out of it looking very strong, Gable as the chipper underdog and Corbin as the smarmy heel.
Backstage, the Street Prophets are holding a gender reveal party for Maria Kanellis - don't ask why. Anyway, it's a boy, and Maria says to her husband that the father of her baby isn't him, but is actually... RICOCHET. Which, obviously, it's not, but this is their gimmick. Thus, we have a match.
Mike Kanellis vs. Ricochet - very quick win for Ricochet, TCB.
Maria comes back out to berate her husband, and then introduces the real father of her baby... RUSEV? Um... huh?
Mike Kanellis vs. Rusev - It was a squash. And just for good measure, Corey Graves actually called Mike a "beta cuck." Because why not. Sure hope the contract is worth it.
More 24/7 shenanigans, with MAYOR KANE winning the 24/7 title! Always fun.
Rey Mysterio vs. Cesaro - An impressive match that ended with Rey winning with a Not-Quite-Canadian Destroyer. Well done.
We get a brief promo for the upcoming draft in October, and NO MORE WILD CARD RULE THANK GOD.
Authors of Pain (THAT'S THEIR NAME DAMN IT) have a pretape promo where they're totally serious... if only their prior booking didn't suck.
Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross vs. Sasha Banks & Bayley - Alexa being taken out with a knee injury made this a 2-on-1, and while Nikki held on toward the end, it wasn't enough. Solid enough but the crowd is SILENT. Post-match, Becky Lynch comes out and we have a good old fashioned steel chair duel... then Charlotte comes out. The feuds must continue.
Backstage promo, Sasha challenges Becky to a rematch at the next PPV.
Even more 24/7 shenanigans afoot, as Truth wins the title back for the 16th time, and convinces Mayor Kane-er, Mayor Jacobs, to not lose it and instead enjoy Raw inside.
Becky responds to Sasha backstage, accepts the challenge, and sets it INSIDE Hell in a Cell. There are your two top-billed matches for the event, Seth and Bray as well as Sasha and Becky.
... Lacey Evans vs. Natalya - .......please go away. The crowd was dead for this and so was I.
Seth Rollins vs. Robert Roode (w/ Dolph Ziggler) - If you expected a clean finish, you weren't paying attention. Styles and co. come out to join the beatdown, only for MAYOR KANE to arrive... and yep, you guessed it, it's FIEND TIME. Kane gets laid out, and then crawls to Rollins for some MIND GAMES... then we get a good 75 seconds of the Firefly Fun House music playing with a whole bunch of distorted effects to end the show.
Verdict: not a great Raw, only worthwhile for the bookended segments, Cesaro and Rey, and the KOTR final. Everything else? Not super great.
WWE SmackDown
State Farm Arena - Atlanta, GA
Live on USA Network - September 17, 2019
Rating: 0.63 (18-49), 2.064M viewers
The New Day vs. The Revival & Randy Orton - no promo to start the show, it's immediately to the announced six-man tag because, yes, the feud MUST continue. At least, for now. This match had a good bit of time to it, lasting the first 20 minutes of the show and going through two ad breaks. Kofi got the win after hitting Trouble In Paradise on Dawson, with--WAIT BROCK ON SMACKDOWN??? Looks like the rumors of Lesnar vs. Kofi happening when SmackDown moves to Fox may be true. And the challenge has been issued for the first SmackDown on Fox, which apparently USA was totally okay with being mentioned. Challenge accepted, we have our first main event on FOX, two weeks from Friday. With an F-5 to Kofi for good measure.
Backstage, Michael Cole (yes, really) interviews Erick Rowan, wearing a Cannibal Corpse shirt (which isn't PG by any means), which boils down to "I did what I did because nobody knows I'm here." He's got a thing for shorter names, calling Cole as "Mike" and calling Daniel Bryan as "Dan," but the whole interview is pretty boilerplate. Lasted just a few minutes, far too short.
Mustafa Ali vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (w/ Sami Zayn) - and the match never took place as it was all just a beatdown angle to get heat on Shinsuke and Zayn. And hey, Kevin Owens is in the crowd, looks like he bought a ticket to enjoy the show with the rest of the Atlanta crowd.
Backstage, Shane McMahon has been served with... well, what else? Because THIS FEUD MUST CONTINUE AS WELL. GREAT.
Back from commercial, Shane comes out with security to talk about being served with papers, and invites KO to the ring. Turns out, it's a $25 million wrongful termination lawsuit, which is comedically fake in so many ways. So yeah, the feud continues on because we must have HEAT.
...why the fuck is Offset in the ring? Well, it's to introduce Charlotte to the ring. Because Atlanta. And it's here that I realize that we've gone nearly 50 minutes without an actual match.
Charlotte Flair vs. Sasha Banks - So I guess Charlotte is a babyface-by-proxy now. Whatever. Her moonsault still looks like a backflip, and the match ended with Bayley interfering, and then Carmella comes out to even the odds against the heels. So... a tag team match, playa? Maybe next week.
Because the match happening on Raw wasn't enough, we now have the "King of the Ring coronation" in the ring. How quaint and jovial for us all. Corbin calls Chad Gable out to the ring and cracks a bunch of short and small jokes. Cue the beatdown and the destruction of the cheap props.
The B Team vs. Heavy Machinery - behold, your in-ring main event for this week. It went as well as you would guess, with the big guys coming out with the win.
Already showing off those new SmackDown graphics and new music to hype the debut of SmackDown on FOX, as we come back from commercial.
Daniel Bryan comes out to talk in the ring, about Erick Rowan, before Rowan comes out to get a few words in of his own. Bryan says, "you feel disrespected? Do something about it!" which Rowan does... by having Luke Harper show up and blindside him. Then out comes BIG DOG to even the odds a bit. Alas, both Harper and Rowan have the upper hand and lay both men out, by starting a teardown of ringside and exposing the concrete, beating up the security geeks, and slamming said geeks on the concrete floor. It continues with Rowan using part of the barricade on BIG DOG and even taking out Tom Phillips. Close it out with a double choke slam to Bryan, through the table, and the show heads off the air. Enjoy cleaning all of that up, 205 Live.
Verdict: once again bookended with the strongest highlights, but not a great post-PPV SmackDown by any means. And I think that'll be the way things go for next week's show, as well, with the move to Fox happening in two weeks.
Full Sail Live - Winter Park, FL
Live on USA Network (8-9pm), WWE Network (9-10pm) - September 18, 2019
Rating: 0.43 (18-49), 1.179M viewers (USA Network)
The show kicks off with a "pre-tape" promo with Triple H and clips of the brand so far, and then we transition to a live shot inside Full Sail with a nice video effect. Also has a quiet launch of new graphics and they look pretty nice.
Io Shirai vs. Bianca Belair vs. Mia Yim vs. Candace LeRae, #1 Contender's Fatal 4-Way Match - A high octane profile match to kick off the show, with everyone looking to take everyone out, and it leads to the first break with Yim hitting a tope suicida and Shirai landing a perfect moonsault - take note, Charlotte. And a tower of doom spot to come back from commercial, that's one big way to return to the action. Hot finish leading to Candace hitting her standing reverse hurricanrana and a "Bret's rope" moonsault on Yim to get the win and secure her status as #1 contender.
Our first match promoted for next week, Dominik Dijakovic vs. Keith Lee, and a promo for tonight's match in the second hour, Killian Dain vs. Matt Riddle, airs, and it's going to be a STREET FIGHT.
Sean Maluta vs. Cameron Grimes - time for a showcase of up-and-comers, and by that, I mean the former Trevor Lee needs a body to beat. And it took less than 5 seconds after a hard stomp. That's one way to build an up-and-comer, I guess.
Roderick Strong vs. Velveteen Dream (c), NXT North American Championship - the first bit of the match starts out a bit slow, a lot of chain and grappling to lead into the first ad break of the match. Things pick up once the match returns, with Strong taking a bit more of the offense before Dream gets a few counters in, headed to the second ad break of the match. Chops to bring things back in to lead to the final few minutes of the match, with Dream gaining more momentum before being smashed hard with a kick in the head, right between the ropes. Forearms against Dream lead to a backbreaker and dragon bomb, but it's just a 2 count, only for that to lead into the Stronghold; after a few moments of struggle, he makes it to the rope, but out comes the rest of TUE to surround the ring. Ref bump when Strong pulls Dream right into him, but while Dream tries to fight the outside forces off, but Strong hits End of Heartache, securing the match-NO! ONLY A 2 COUNT! Dream hits the Dream Valley Driver, but Cole lands a superkick on Dream on the top rope with the ref distracted, and after another End of Heartache, Roderick Strong gets the 3 and wins the title - all of the gold is now Undisputed... BAYBAY.
Second hour starts with a recap of what happened on USA, and the announcement that, yes, Shayna Bazler vs. Candace LeRae will happen on the October 2nd show.
Pete Dunne vs. Arturo Ruas - This match was less one-sided than I'm sure anyone thought it would be, from the start. But dueling armbars mean nothing when Dunne will try to break your fingers. But wait, Ruas will try to do the same thing, it seems. I'm rather impressed, this match was really evenly contested, but of course Dunne won by trying to break Ruas' fingers and making him tap out. Like there was any other outcome.
Looks like the rumors of 205 Live being implemented into NXT are true, as we have another #1 contender's match set for tonight, Oney Lorcan versus Lio Rush (yes, he's still employed) with the winner getting a shot at the Cruiserweight title. And in more good news, Dakota Kai returns to NXT next week.
Xia Li vs. Aliyah (w/ Vanessa Borne) - Time for another showcase match, this time to get Xia over, and despite a bit of a botch, she came out strong after the finish. Great foot work, all around.
Denzel Dejournette comes out for his match, scheduled to face Kushida, but wait - IMPERIUM IS HERE. Direct from the UK, it's an ambush on the Performance Center talent, then out comes... WALTER. Said UK Champion speaks to the crowd before Kushida comes out, looking for a fight, and it looks like a match between Kushida and WALTER may be coming sometime soon.
Oney Lorcan vs. Lio Rush, #1 Contender's Match - Lorcan is out like a house of fire, trying to make quick work, but only gets a 2 on the first pin attempt. Now it's Lio's turn to get some major momentum in his NXT return, but it doesn't take long for Oney to go insane on his opponent. A great near fall came when Lio was thrown to the ropes, only to springboard and hit a great cutter on Oney, only for a 2. Still able to fight out of a powerbomb/single leg crab combo, Lio can only get caught in another hold, caught in the middle of the ring in a modified STF, but manages to crawl to get his foot on the bottom rope, great resolve from Lio Rush in this match. And after Oney gets even more insane, he goes hard to Lio, only to run into a standing Spanish Fly (WOW HOLY CRAP) and takes a top rope frog splash, giving Lio the win. Quite impressive, a damn fine match.
Matt Riddle vs. Killian Dain, Street Fight - Only took a few minutes for things to break into the crowd and head backstage, and even head outside. And wouldn't you know it, WALTER and Imperium would get involved, as would the Street Prophets, and the Forgotten Sons, it's total carnage. Everything is unloading and it's beautiful. But back into the ring we go, and so does everyone else, it's a total locker room brawl... and now security is coming out to separate Riddle and Dain? Uh..... well so much for that, the brawl is now in the ring with everyone getting their blows in. And we end things off with Dain hitting a tope to the sea of bodies outside, the crowd chanting "HOLY SHIT!," and that's a wrap.
Post-show, William Regal announces that this match will happen again, next week, with the winner getting a shot at Adam Cole and the NXT Championship. Quite a hook, I must say.
Verdict: handily the best of the three shows this week, both by default and by show quality. A new era of NXT is here, and it's live every week, and right out of the gate, things are getting heated.
Thompson-Boiling Arena - Knoxville, TN
Live on USA Network - September 16, 2019
Rating: 0.72 (18-49), 2.272M viewers
Seth Rollins opened the show with a promo, talking about his matches at the PPV on Sunday, putting over Braun Strowman as a tough challenger (but not winning because that would be too easy), and how he still walked out with the Universal Championship, even after The Fiend came out to lay him out on the stage. Then we got a pop-in segment of Firefly Fun House with everyone's favorite buddy Bray Wyatt talking about how friends forgive, "but 'he' never forgets," and that there may be more to come later tonight from The Fiend. Not a bad way to start the show, with the build to Hell in a Cell kicking off immediately.
Meanwhile, in the Upside Down... pic.twitter.com/0qbLil6WgX— TDE Wrestling (@tde_wrestling) September 17, 2019
Next came out the new Raw and SmackDown Tag Team Champions, Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode and The Revival, for a "tag team summit," which was just a few moments to brag and get heat before Braun Strowman came out to lay waste to them. So... what got accomplished here?
AJ Styles & Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson vs. Cedric Alexander & The War Viking Raider Experience - Cedric got pinned. AGAIN. And got beat down to make sure Styles keeps his heat. AGAIN. And depending on who you ask, Cedric is in the midst of being BURIED by Vince. That is all.
Time for some more 24/7 shenanigans with R-Truth and Carmella, as they're taking a tour of the sights and sounds of Knoxville with none other than... Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs. Who is totally not ANYONE ELSE, wink wink.
King of the Ring Final: Baron Corbin vs. Chad Gable - Of course Big Breakfast Baron would win. Did you expect ANY other outcome? That being said, it was a very good match that had a lot of time to it, around 18 or 19 minutes, and both men came out of it looking very strong, Gable as the chipper underdog and Corbin as the smarmy heel.
Backstage, the Street Prophets are holding a gender reveal party for Maria Kanellis - don't ask why. Anyway, it's a boy, and Maria says to her husband that the father of her baby isn't him, but is actually... RICOCHET. Which, obviously, it's not, but this is their gimmick. Thus, we have a match.
Mike Kanellis vs. Ricochet - very quick win for Ricochet, TCB.
Maria comes back out to berate her husband, and then introduces the real father of her baby... RUSEV? Um... huh?
Mike Kanellis vs. Rusev - It was a squash. And just for good measure, Corey Graves actually called Mike a "beta cuck." Because why not. Sure hope the contract is worth it.
More 24/7 shenanigans, with MAYOR KANE winning the 24/7 title! Always fun.
Rey Mysterio vs. Cesaro - An impressive match that ended with Rey winning with a Not-Quite-Canadian Destroyer. Well done.
We get a brief promo for the upcoming draft in October, and NO MORE WILD CARD RULE THANK GOD.
Authors of Pain (THAT'S THEIR NAME DAMN IT) have a pretape promo where they're totally serious... if only their prior booking didn't suck.
Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross vs. Sasha Banks & Bayley - Alexa being taken out with a knee injury made this a 2-on-1, and while Nikki held on toward the end, it wasn't enough. Solid enough but the crowd is SILENT. Post-match, Becky Lynch comes out and we have a good old fashioned steel chair duel... then Charlotte comes out. The feuds must continue.
Backstage promo, Sasha challenges Becky to a rematch at the next PPV.
Even more 24/7 shenanigans afoot, as Truth wins the title back for the 16th time, and convinces Mayor Kane-er, Mayor Jacobs, to not lose it and instead enjoy Raw inside.
Becky responds to Sasha backstage, accepts the challenge, and sets it INSIDE Hell in a Cell. There are your two top-billed matches for the event, Seth and Bray as well as Sasha and Becky.
... Lacey Evans vs. Natalya - .......please go away. The crowd was dead for this and so was I.
Seth Rollins vs. Robert Roode (w/ Dolph Ziggler) - If you expected a clean finish, you weren't paying attention. Styles and co. come out to join the beatdown, only for MAYOR KANE to arrive... and yep, you guessed it, it's FIEND TIME. Kane gets laid out, and then crawls to Rollins for some MIND GAMES... then we get a good 75 seconds of the Firefly Fun House music playing with a whole bunch of distorted effects to end the show.
Verdict: not a great Raw, only worthwhile for the bookended segments, Cesaro and Rey, and the KOTR final. Everything else? Not super great.
WWE SmackDown
State Farm Arena - Atlanta, GA
Live on USA Network - September 17, 2019
Rating: 0.63 (18-49), 2.064M viewers
The New Day vs. The Revival & Randy Orton - no promo to start the show, it's immediately to the announced six-man tag because, yes, the feud MUST continue. At least, for now. This match had a good bit of time to it, lasting the first 20 minutes of the show and going through two ad breaks. Kofi got the win after hitting Trouble In Paradise on Dawson, with--WAIT BROCK ON SMACKDOWN??? Looks like the rumors of Lesnar vs. Kofi happening when SmackDown moves to Fox may be true. And the challenge has been issued for the first SmackDown on Fox, which apparently USA was totally okay with being mentioned. Challenge accepted, we have our first main event on FOX, two weeks from Friday. With an F-5 to Kofi for good measure.
Backstage, Michael Cole (yes, really) interviews Erick Rowan, wearing a Cannibal Corpse shirt (which isn't PG by any means), which boils down to "I did what I did because nobody knows I'm here." He's got a thing for shorter names, calling Cole as "Mike" and calling Daniel Bryan as "Dan," but the whole interview is pretty boilerplate. Lasted just a few minutes, far too short.
Mustafa Ali vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (w/ Sami Zayn) - and the match never took place as it was all just a beatdown angle to get heat on Shinsuke and Zayn. And hey, Kevin Owens is in the crowd, looks like he bought a ticket to enjoy the show with the rest of the Atlanta crowd.
Backstage, Shane McMahon has been served with... well, what else? Because THIS FEUD MUST CONTINUE AS WELL. GREAT.
Back from commercial, Shane comes out with security to talk about being served with papers, and invites KO to the ring. Turns out, it's a $25 million wrongful termination lawsuit, which is comedically fake in so many ways. So yeah, the feud continues on because we must have HEAT.
...why the fuck is Offset in the ring? Well, it's to introduce Charlotte to the ring. Because Atlanta. And it's here that I realize that we've gone nearly 50 minutes without an actual match.
Charlotte Flair vs. Sasha Banks - So I guess Charlotte is a babyface-by-proxy now. Whatever. Her moonsault still looks like a backflip, and the match ended with Bayley interfering, and then Carmella comes out to even the odds against the heels. So... a tag team match, playa? Maybe next week.
Because the match happening on Raw wasn't enough, we now have the "King of the Ring coronation" in the ring. How quaint and jovial for us all. Corbin calls Chad Gable out to the ring and cracks a bunch of short and small jokes. Cue the beatdown and the destruction of the cheap props.
The B Team vs. Heavy Machinery - behold, your in-ring main event for this week. It went as well as you would guess, with the big guys coming out with the win.
Already showing off those new SmackDown graphics and new music to hype the debut of SmackDown on FOX, as we come back from commercial.
Daniel Bryan comes out to talk in the ring, about Erick Rowan, before Rowan comes out to get a few words in of his own. Bryan says, "you feel disrespected? Do something about it!" which Rowan does... by having Luke Harper show up and blindside him. Then out comes BIG DOG to even the odds a bit. Alas, both Harper and Rowan have the upper hand and lay both men out, by starting a teardown of ringside and exposing the concrete, beating up the security geeks, and slamming said geeks on the concrete floor. It continues with Rowan using part of the barricade on BIG DOG and even taking out Tom Phillips. Close it out with a double choke slam to Bryan, through the table, and the show heads off the air. Enjoy cleaning all of that up, 205 Live.
Verdict: once again bookended with the strongest highlights, but not a great post-PPV SmackDown by any means. And I think that'll be the way things go for next week's show, as well, with the move to Fox happening in two weeks.
Full Sail Live - Winter Park, FL
Live on USA Network (8-9pm), WWE Network (9-10pm) - September 18, 2019
Rating: 0.43 (18-49), 1.179M viewers (USA Network)
The show kicks off with a "pre-tape" promo with Triple H and clips of the brand so far, and then we transition to a live shot inside Full Sail with a nice video effect. Also has a quiet launch of new graphics and they look pretty nice.
Io Shirai vs. Bianca Belair vs. Mia Yim vs. Candace LeRae, #1 Contender's Fatal 4-Way Match - A high octane profile match to kick off the show, with everyone looking to take everyone out, and it leads to the first break with Yim hitting a tope suicida and Shirai landing a perfect moonsault - take note, Charlotte. And a tower of doom spot to come back from commercial, that's one big way to return to the action. Hot finish leading to Candace hitting her standing reverse hurricanrana and a "Bret's rope" moonsault on Yim to get the win and secure her status as #1 contender.
Our first match promoted for next week, Dominik Dijakovic vs. Keith Lee, and a promo for tonight's match in the second hour, Killian Dain vs. Matt Riddle, airs, and it's going to be a STREET FIGHT.
Sean Maluta vs. Cameron Grimes - time for a showcase of up-and-comers, and by that, I mean the former Trevor Lee needs a body to beat. And it took less than 5 seconds after a hard stomp. That's one way to build an up-and-comer, I guess.
Roderick Strong vs. Velveteen Dream (c), NXT North American Championship - the first bit of the match starts out a bit slow, a lot of chain and grappling to lead into the first ad break of the match. Things pick up once the match returns, with Strong taking a bit more of the offense before Dream gets a few counters in, headed to the second ad break of the match. Chops to bring things back in to lead to the final few minutes of the match, with Dream gaining more momentum before being smashed hard with a kick in the head, right between the ropes. Forearms against Dream lead to a backbreaker and dragon bomb, but it's just a 2 count, only for that to lead into the Stronghold; after a few moments of struggle, he makes it to the rope, but out comes the rest of TUE to surround the ring. Ref bump when Strong pulls Dream right into him, but while Dream tries to fight the outside forces off, but Strong hits End of Heartache, securing the match-NO! ONLY A 2 COUNT! Dream hits the Dream Valley Driver, but Cole lands a superkick on Dream on the top rope with the ref distracted, and after another End of Heartache, Roderick Strong gets the 3 and wins the title - all of the gold is now Undisputed... BAYBAY.
Second hour starts with a recap of what happened on USA, and the announcement that, yes, Shayna Bazler vs. Candace LeRae will happen on the October 2nd show.
Pete Dunne vs. Arturo Ruas - This match was less one-sided than I'm sure anyone thought it would be, from the start. But dueling armbars mean nothing when Dunne will try to break your fingers. But wait, Ruas will try to do the same thing, it seems. I'm rather impressed, this match was really evenly contested, but of course Dunne won by trying to break Ruas' fingers and making him tap out. Like there was any other outcome.
Looks like the rumors of 205 Live being implemented into NXT are true, as we have another #1 contender's match set for tonight, Oney Lorcan versus Lio Rush (yes, he's still employed) with the winner getting a shot at the Cruiserweight title. And in more good news, Dakota Kai returns to NXT next week.
Xia Li vs. Aliyah (w/ Vanessa Borne) - Time for another showcase match, this time to get Xia over, and despite a bit of a botch, she came out strong after the finish. Great foot work, all around.
Denzel Dejournette comes out for his match, scheduled to face Kushida, but wait - IMPERIUM IS HERE. Direct from the UK, it's an ambush on the Performance Center talent, then out comes... WALTER. Said UK Champion speaks to the crowd before Kushida comes out, looking for a fight, and it looks like a match between Kushida and WALTER may be coming sometime soon.
Oney Lorcan vs. Lio Rush, #1 Contender's Match - Lorcan is out like a house of fire, trying to make quick work, but only gets a 2 on the first pin attempt. Now it's Lio's turn to get some major momentum in his NXT return, but it doesn't take long for Oney to go insane on his opponent. A great near fall came when Lio was thrown to the ropes, only to springboard and hit a great cutter on Oney, only for a 2. Still able to fight out of a powerbomb/single leg crab combo, Lio can only get caught in another hold, caught in the middle of the ring in a modified STF, but manages to crawl to get his foot on the bottom rope, great resolve from Lio Rush in this match. And after Oney gets even more insane, he goes hard to Lio, only to run into a standing Spanish Fly (WOW HOLY CRAP) and takes a top rope frog splash, giving Lio the win. Quite impressive, a damn fine match.
Matt Riddle vs. Killian Dain, Street Fight - Only took a few minutes for things to break into the crowd and head backstage, and even head outside. And wouldn't you know it, WALTER and Imperium would get involved, as would the Street Prophets, and the Forgotten Sons, it's total carnage. Everything is unloading and it's beautiful. But back into the ring we go, and so does everyone else, it's a total locker room brawl... and now security is coming out to separate Riddle and Dain? Uh..... well so much for that, the brawl is now in the ring with everyone getting their blows in. And we end things off with Dain hitting a tope to the sea of bodies outside, the crowd chanting "HOLY SHIT!," and that's a wrap.
Post-show, William Regal announces that this match will happen again, next week, with the winner getting a shot at Adam Cole and the NXT Championship. Quite a hook, I must say.
Verdict: handily the best of the three shows this week, both by default and by show quality. A new era of NXT is here, and it's live every week, and right out of the gate, things are getting heated.
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The (Executive Director) Brother Love Show - WWE SmackDown (10/18/19)
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